Important Aboriginal Organizations:
Designed to provide a more comprehensive, collaborative and integrated approach to decreasing diabetes and its complications among Aboriginal peoples.
AHIP was launched in 2002 as a regional community based funding program to support and encourage Aboriginal communities to identify health promotion projects that are culturally meaningful to them.
The mission of the Aboriginal Nurses Association of Canada is to improve the health of Aboriginal people, by supporting Aboriginal Nurses and by promoting the development and practice of Aboriginal Health Nursing.
“We, as First Nations peoples accept our responsibility as keepers of Mother Earth to achieve the best quality of life and health for future generations based on our traditions, values, cultures and languages.”
Representing the rights and interests of off-reserve Aboriginal people in Canada.
A national scope study on the benefits and risks of food and water in First Nations communities.
Improving Indigenous health status to the highest attainable level.
Canada’s National Inuit Organization.
“Healthy eating habits, daily physical activity & postive attitude can prevent diabetes”.
reflects the holistic understanding of the Métis Nation about what things are important when considering the health and well-being of our people and when designing policies and programs to address our population health needs.
Advancing and sharing of knowledge in Aboriginal Health is key to empowering Aboriginal People.
First Nations Diabetes Programs across North America.
The objective of the program is to raise awareness of diabetes, it’s risk factors and the value of healthy lifestyle practices.
Founded on the collective goal to enhance, promote, and foster the social, economic, cultural and political well-being of First Nations and Métis women within First Nation, Métis and Canadian societies.
Aboriginal Diabetes Prevention and Awareness Program.
SOADI is an education and awareness program that assists Aboriginal communities in decreasing the incidence of diabetes through awareness and resources with 5 regional diabetes workers across Southern Ontario.
This website has been developed to provide information on chronic disease prevention and management for those northern residents who have chronic disease such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, hypertension and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
The Indian Residential Schools Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) was officially established on June 1, 2008.
Welcome to Tungasuvvingat Inuit’s Urban Inuit Diabetes Awareness and Prevention Web-site.
“Working with you for better health.”
We provide information about Health, Family Healing, and Family Violence for Aboriginal Communities in Ontario, Canada.